Recent Activity

Recent News and Activity

  • Valentine’s Dinner Dance

    Our Dinner Dance was a big success! Over 100 guests attended a night of beautifully decorated tables, good food, and good music. Thank you very much to those Knights who worked on the VDD Committee, who advertised the event with posters and flyers,… Click here to read more

  • 2024 Free Throw Winners

    Our 2024 Free Throw took place on January 5th, lead by Brother Matt Starry. We’d like to thank all of the participants for their involvement in the event. That said, here is a list of all the winners in each of the age… Click here to read more

  • Spotlight: Our Lady’s Helpers

    Our Knights have been in touch with a small diocesan group called Our Lady’s Helpers who are working to get a mobile ultrasound unit at the local clinics on weekends. Their vision is to offer immediate and caring help to women in crisis pregnancies. The… Click here to read more

  • Church Bell Memorial Survey

    As we continue to solicit input from our parish community, please consider taking a few minutes to complete this brief survey and let your opinion be known. Continue reading Click here to read more

  • Results – Coats for Kids

    We ran our annual Coats for Kids drive in November and would like to share the results of your amazing generosity. For those unfamiliar with this program, we solicit cash donations to purchase warm winter coats for kids, at a discount, in our… Click here to read more

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