Round Table Project? Yep. As a council, besides the many fundraising events we host and community outreach activities we participate in, we also perform what are called “Round Table” projects. In coordination with Monsignor, we identify and work on maintenance projects to help with the upkeep of the parish. In past years, we’ve helped with updating the rectory, school and church buildings. Our members possess many skills but above all is their desire to serve.
Our most recent Round Table project was to repair the grout that fills the main seam that runs down the center of the church. Over the last few years, it has shown more wear and tear, and as we moved to video broadcasting of the Mass it often shows in the camera shots. A few years ago, in fact we painted the grout line black to hide it better on camera. The effort this past Tuesday night was make a more permanent repair by removing the loose grout and filling the entire length with a dark colored grout that will look better and hide the line on the camera feed.

Here are our council members that worked very hard to knock out the project in one evening. Pictured from left to right: Bill Sullivan, Ferdi Visintainer, Dylan Van Allen, Eric Zwick, Bob Schneider, Frank Ferrandina and Bob Oberle. Sean McDonnell, who took this picture and lead the project, is not shown.
Click on the image for a larger view. We’ll post the “after” picture soon.